Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Medal Of Honor Hero's Anger That His Request For Backup Was Denied TEN TIMES!

Revealed: Medal Of Honor Hero's Anger That His Request For Backup Was Denied TEN TIMES By Officers Sitting Kilometers Away From Where He Single-Handedly Fought For Seven Hours Against 60 Taliban -- Daily Mail

* Former Army captain, William Swenson, 34, received the nation's highest award the Medal of Honor at the White House on Tuesday
* Rewarded for his selfless bravery in fighting more than 60 Taliban during an ambush in September, 2009
* Risked his life three times returning to the 'kill zone' to recover injured comrades
* His repeated calls for assistance were ignored by his commanders who feared involvement would lead to civilian causalities
* In the aftermath, Swenson complained to more senior leaders in Afghanistan and he quit as a result
* On Tuesday Swenson revealed that he now wants to return to the Army

The American hero awarded the Medal of Honor earlier this week for his bravery in fighting off 60 Taliban almost single-handedly for seven hours has spoken of his anger that repeated requests for backup during the ordeal were ignored by his commanders back at base.

Retired Captain William Swenson was awarded the nation's top military medal by President Obama at the White House on Tuesday. The President said that when Swenson’s comrades needed him, he 'was there for his brothers'...'we thank God he was there for us all.'

But now Swenson, 34, has spoken out about his frustration that his repeated – as many as ten - requests for backup were ignored by commanders who feared involvement would lead to civilian casualties.

Read more ....

My Comment: It is very rare for a Medal of Honor recipient requesting a return to duty .... former Army captain William Swenson is definitely breaking precedent. As to the above video .... his anger is still present. His answer to the question on why he did not wear a helmet during the battle is also revealing .... Afghan soldiers do not wear helmets, U.S. soldiers do .... the Taliban know that, and their snipers are always looking for US soldiers with helmets.

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