Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why China Will Not Have A Shale Gas Boom

Chinese energy consumption by fuel

Commentary: China’s Shale Gas Ambitions Still Face Massive Hurdles -- Fuel Fix

China is still pressing ahead with its shale gas ambitions though numerous hurdles continue to hinder those goals. Shale gas is supposed to boost the nation’s natural gas supply which is in dire need. China today draws about 4 percent of its energy needs from natural gas and more than 70 percent from coal. The coal figure is one that the West has not experienced since the nineteenth century.

With abysmally bad pollution from coal particulates, the country’s National Development and Reform Commission’s (NDRC), two years ago decreed that by the year 2020 the natural gas contribution to the energy mix should increase to 10%. This is an enormous threshold to climb.

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My Comment: This is very unfortunate for China. Their reliance on coal is creating an environmental disaster throughout the country as well as impacting it's neighbors.

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