Fear Of A Nuclear Saudi Arabia -- Joshua Keating, Slate
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time in letting the world know what he thinks of the Iran nuclear deal, the other regional power most concerned about the deal, Saudi Arabia, has been conspicuous in its silence. The Saudi leadership had publicly urged the U.S. “not to succumb to the president of Iran's soft talk" in the runup to the deal and is almost certainly skeptical that the agreement reached will keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons. So the question becomes, what are they going to do about it?
David Sanger of the New York Times notes that, Saudi leaders have been “hinting in vague asides that if the United States cannot roll back the Iranian program, it may be time for Saudi Arabia to move to Plan B — nuclear weapons of its own, presumably obtained from Pakistan, which entered the nuclear club on Saudi subsidies.” U.S. critics of the deal have been discussing this scenario as if it’s now a fait accompli.
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More News On Reports That Saudi Arabia May Pursue Their Own Nuclear Program
Iran nuclear deal: Saudi Arabia warns it will strike out on its own -- The Telegraph
Saudis outline new plan to contain Iran threat -- Independent.ie
Evidence suggests that Saudi Arabia may be seeking nuclear weapons -- AllVoices.com
Saudi Arabia: US Lied to Us in Negotiating Iran Nuke Pact -- Newsmax
What the Saudis make of the nuclear deal with Iran -- Simon Henderson, The Atlantic
My Comment: Simon Henderson's post on what is Saudi Arabia thinking is a must read.
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