Tuesday, November 12, 2013

China 'Threatens' Japan To Stop Saying That They Are A Threat

China To Japan: Stop Citing Us As A Threat -- Voice of America/Reuters

BEIJING — China told Japan on Monday to stop targeting it as a threat and used it as an excuse to boost its military strength.

“If Japan must see China as an opponent, then it is after the wrong target and calculates it all wrong. There will be no future for Japan. We hope the Japanese side can seriously reflect on history, face up to the reality, think about the future, and adopt a peaceful development path, instead of frequently using China as an excuse to achieve its hidden agenda,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said during a news conference in Beijing.

Read more ....

More News On China 'Threatening' Japan To Tone Down Their Rhetoric On China Being A Security Threat

China warns Japan against continually citing them as a ‘security threat’ -- JDP
China urges Japan to reign in provocative comments -- Global Times/Xinhaunet
China urges Japan to stop building up tensions -- CCTV
Continuous provocations a losing battle for Tokyo -- Global Times

My Comment: There is still hope .... the foreign ministers of Japan, China shook hands for the 1st time yesterday. On a side note .... the above video is an examination/documentary on the growing tensions between China and Japan.

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