Monday, November 4, 2013

Did U.S. Military Doctors Torture Terror Suspects And Detainees?

A new report claims that medical doctors were used in the torture practices of terror suspects post-9/11 at the order of the CIA and Defense Department. (Photo: Reuters)

CIA Made Doctors Complicit in Torture After 9/11, Report Says -- Time

Doctors and psychologists were compelled to help torture detainees, report says

Health professionals working for the U.S. military were “improperly demanded” by the CIA and the Department of Defense to be involved in the design and administration of “harsh treatment and torture” of suspected terrorists since 9/11 at U.S. detention centers, a new report says.

A 19-strong panel of experts, convened by the Columbia University-based think tank Institute on Medicine as a Profession and the non-profit organization Open Society Foundations, spent over two years reviewing public records into the medical professions’ alleged complicity in the abuse of prisoners suspected of terrorism who were held in U.S. custody during the years after 9/11.

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More News On Reports That US Military Doctors Are Complicit In Torture At CIA And Military Prisons

Report raps doctors over roles in post-9/11 interrogations -- CNN
CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds -- The Guardian
Doctors complicit in torture at CIA, military prisons, study claims -- AFP
US military doctors designed innovative new methods of torture under orders from the CIA and the Pentagon to be used at Guantanamo Bay -- Daily Mail
Doctors aided US torture at military prisons, report says -- BBC
'Big, striking horror:' US military doctors allowed torture of detainees, new study claims -- NBC
Report blasts 'unethical' US detainee policy post-9/11 -- Al Jazeera
Report: Military doctors have abused detainees, breached ethics -- Air Force Times
Report Outlines How the C.I.A. and Department of Defense Sidestep Medical Ethics -- The Atlantic
CIA, DoD had doctors torture detainees after 9/11 -- Salon
US military force-feeding violates medical ethics, says task force -- Verge

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