Monday, November 4, 2013

For Someone Who Rarely Spent More Than Six Hours In One Spot, How Did The CIA Track Down The Leader Of The Pakistani Taliban

How America Got Taliban Target Number One -- The Telegraph

Hakimullah Mehsud rarely spent more than six hours in one spot - but that was enough time for a US drone to strike.

For years, Hakimullah Mehsud, the long-haired leader of the Pakistan Taliban, took all possible precautions. He seldom spent more than more than six hours in any one spot, shuttling between a string of safe houses through Pakistan’s lawless tribal region.

But as negotiations with the Pakistan government loomed, it seems one of the world’s most wanted men made a fatal mistake - he relaxed, assuming that upcoming peace talks meant he was safe, and lingered at his new house.

It was just long enough for one of the US drones that constantly linger above the tribal region’s mountainous skyline to find its mark -firing two missiles into Mehsud’s 4x4 as it pulled inside the gate of his home on Friday.

Read more ....

My Comment: For such a high valued target .... who was able to hide from US drone strikes for years .... he had to either be betrayed and/or tracked down by a covert CIA team whose job is to track down people like him. As for Pakistan giving the U.S. the coordinates for his location .... I doubt it. I do believe that the new Prime Minister does want to make the peace with the Taliban so that they could then direct their energies against Afghanistan and the soon departing Americans .... killing Mehsud was not on their agenda right now.

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