Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 19, 2013

Pentagon Guilty Of Billion-Dollar Accounting Fraud, Reveals Reuters Investigation -- The Verge

A new report from Reuters has discovered widespread accounting fraud at the Pentagon, describing a budget of more than $8 trillion disappearing into a mess of corrupted data, erroneous reports, and unauditable ledgers. Sources from the Department of Finance and Accounting describe the arduous process of squaring the Navy's books with the US Treasury outlays, dealing with obviously inaccurate numbers or entries that were simply left blank. The data usually arrives just two days before deadline, and supervisors direct the office to enter false numbers — known as "plugs" — to square the accounts and conceal the agencies' patchy bookkeeping. The result is fraudulent figures that can reach as high as a trillion dollars in a single year, simply to make the Pentagon books match the Treasury's budget.

Read more ....


U.S. military helping with Philippines aid distribution logjam -- CBS News

Amphibious ships to replace carrier helping with Philippines disaster -- Stars and Stripes

Japan dispatches warships, 650 troops to help Philippines -- Japan Times/AFP

Moscow: Russia and Egypt On Verge Of Missile Deal -- Defense News/AFP

India, Russia to hold first-ever air force war game in 2014 -- Indian Express

India, Russia discuss issues related to aircraft, tank deals -- Economic Times

India’s Emerging Blue-Water Navy -- Nitin Gokhale, The Diplomat

US To Keep Patriot Missiles In Turkey For Another Year -- Defense News

Norway denies U.S. spying, said it shared intelligence with U.S. -- Reuters

Boeing executives upbeat about future of F/A-18 fighter -- Reuters

Air Force finds few takers for its $225,000 bonus offer -- al.com

U-2 modifications reduce decompression sickness -- US Air Force

Socom Planning Ahead for Future Missions, McRaven Says -- US Department of Defense

US Navy Prepares Fleet for More Arctic Missions -- DoD Buzz

Littoral Ship-to-Shore Communications Seen Deficient, GAO Says -- Bloomberg

Update: Aerial target puts hole in cruiser's hull; 2 hurt -- Military Times

New big-deck amphib AMERICA (LHA 6) takes to the sea for the first time -- Intercepts/Defense News

Boeing Unveils New Maritime Surveillance Aircraft -- Defense News

Hammerhead UAV Conducts Successful Test Flight -- Defense News

Catapult-Launched Bat Drone Wages Electronic War -- The Danger Roon

Supreme Court allows NSA telephone surveillance to continue -- CNN

Snowden effect: NSA struggles with 888% increase in FOIA requests -- RT

Defense Industry Layoffs Picking Up Steam -- Sandra I. Erwin, National Defense

Amos & Dempsey: Don’t Just Stop Sequester, Save The Ground Force -- Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., Breaking Defense

Sequestration still topic No. 1 as Senate opens defense bill debate -- Stars and Stripes

Air Force Honors Pilot Who Flew With One Wing After Collision -- US Department of Defense

Source: 4 female Marines will graduate enlisted infantry training this week -- Military Times

It’s Not Just Navy Admirals Being Naughty—The Pentagon’s Got a Major Behavior Problem -- Matthew Gault, War Is Boring

China's Ballistic-Missile Submarines: How Dangerous? -- Christian Conroy, National Journal

What Will China's New National Security Council Do? -- Ankit Panda, The Diplomat

Why are Russian bombers buzzing Japanese airspace? -- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor

The U.S. Navy: 5 Questions to Ponder -- Bryan McGrath, War On The Rocks

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