Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Is 'Broke And Lonely'

Television screens show former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden during a news bulletin at an electronics store in Moscow. (Reuters)

Snowden Spent Entire Savings on Food, Rent – Russian Lawyer -- RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, November 12 (RIA Novosti) – Fugitive former US security contractor Edward Snowden has spent nearly all his money on living expenses since he fled the United States in May, his lawyer said.

“The savings he had, he has almost entirely spent on food, rent, security and so on,” Anatoly Kucherena said in an interview published in the Russian government daily newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta on Tuesday.

The ex-National Security Agency contractor, who is now reportedly working for a major Russian website, has received financial support and other aid from “some organizations and enterprising citizens” since he left the United States, Kucherena said.

Kucherena said Snowden has never traded money for revealing government secrets.

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More News On NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Being 'Broke And Lonely'

Lawyer Says 'Lonely' Snowden Living on Donations -- Moscow Times
Snowden running out of money, lawyer says -- UPI
'Broke and lonely' NSA leaker Edward Snowden is living off public donations as he awaits his first paycheck from Russian website employer -- Daily Mail
Snowden never traded secrets for money - lawyer -- RT
Snowden spent entire savings on food, rent -- World Bulletin

My Comment: He will survive .... but the life that he enjoyed in the U.S. is now definitely over.

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