Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Saudi Arabia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Russia To Join UN Human Rights Council

The venue for the Human Rights Council at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva. © 2008 Reuters

World's 'Most Flagrant Abusers' Set To Join UN Human Rights Council -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor

Among the nations poised to join the UN Human Rights Council are Saudi Arabia, China, and Russia, which have all stymied attempts by the council to look into their human-rights records.

Saudi Arabia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Russia – sounds like a list of countries targeted by international nongovernmental organizations for gross violations of human rights.

Well, yes, it’s that, too. But it’s also a partial list of the countries that are expected to win easy election next week to the United Nations Human Rights Council. On Tuesday, the UN General Assembly votes to fill 14 seats on the 47-member council, the UN’s highest human-rights institution.

The Human Rights Council has been criticized for welcoming countries with questionable human-rights records into its Geneva-based membership ever since it was created in 2006 to replace the discredited Human Rights Commission.

Read more ....

Update: China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Cuba win seats on UN Human Rights Council, drawing scorn -- Washington Post

My Comment: Quoting Ray Bradbury .... "The gargoyles have taken over the cathedral."

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