Saturday, November 2, 2013

There Is A Captain James Kirk In The U.S. Navy

Captain James A. Kirk

Capt. Kirk Takes Command Of Hot New Ship – Really! USS Zumwalt Sails -- Breaking Defense

WASHINGTON: To boldly go in a revolutionary ship where no one has commanded before. Why the clumsy Star Trek reference? Because the Navy’s newest, stealthy, most radical ship, the USS Zumwalt, will be commanded by the fabulously named Capt. James A. Kirk. The Navy couldn’t make something like this up, could they?

The Zumwalt, launched on Monday, contains a plethora of new weapons, a radical power plant and a controversial new hull design designed to reduce its radar signature. And it really is commanded by Capt. James A. Kirk. As aficionados of the original Star Trek series know, the full name of the USS Enterprise’s commander was James Tiberius Kirk, so there should be no mistaking the two men.

How important is the first of the three Zumwalt-class ships to the US Navy? One of America’s preeminent naval experts, Norm Polmar, put it simply:

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Update #1: Capt. James Kirk Tapped To Skipper Navy's Most Futuristic Ship Yet -- Business Insider
Update #2: Finally, Capt. Kirk has his cloaking device -- CNN

My Comment: I cannot make this stuff up.

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