Friday, December 13, 2013

Amnesty For NSA Leaker Edward Snowden?

NSA Leaders Split On Giving Amnesty To Snowden -- CBS News

CBS News learned Thursday that the information National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden has revealed so far is just a fraction of what he has. In fact, he has so much, some think it is worth giving him amnesty to get it back.

Rick Leggett is the man who was put in charge of the Snowden leak task force by Gen. Keith Alexander, who heads the NSA. The task force's job is to prevent another leak like this one from happening again. They're also trying to figure out how much damage the Snowden leaks have done, and how much damage they could still do.

Read more ....

Update: A deal for Snowden? -- 60 Minutes/CBS News

My Comment: This news does not surprise me. As I had predicted before .... I give it a few years before we see Edward Snowden in front of a US Senate and House committee hearing on the NSA .... and he will be testifying under full immunity.

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