Tuesday, December 24, 2013

If Robots Pull The Trigger Who Will Be Held Accountable?

Terminator Salvation/The Halcyon Company

Killer Robots: If No One Pulls the Trigger, Who’s to Blame? -- Fiscal Times

On Saturday at a NASCAR track in Florida, a humanoid robot named SCHAFT, created by a team of engineers from the University of Tokyo, performed a series of emergency tasks including using a hose, drilling a hole into a wall, walking through doors and driving a golf cart. SCHAFT ran away from the competition, with only a robot from DOD-funded Boston Dynamics staying close.

These two robots, along with six others from private companies and university labs around the world, performed these tasks under the watchful eye of DARPA, the secretive defense research branch of the U.S. military. DARPA said the purpose of the competition was to begin modeling a robot that could be used on the surface of Mars.

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My Comment: For the military .... this is the future.

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