Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is Afghan President Karzai 'Playing The U.S.'?

Afghan President Hamid Karzai (Reuters / Omar Sobhani)

Hamid Karzai’s Labyrinthine Politics -- Najib Sharifi, Afpak Channel/Foreign Policy

While all eyes were glued on Afghan President Hamid Karzai's opening speech at the Loya Jirga, the grand assembly of more than 2,500 Afghan elders who were tasked with advising him on signing the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States, nearly two weeks ago, an unprecedented, amusing, and thought-provoking incident occurred. Almost 40 minutes into Karzai's speech, a female senator, Belqis Roshan, from Farah, a province which lies along the border with Iran, raised a banner covered with anti-BSA slogans that compared the signing of the agreement to committing Watan Feroshi, or treason.

What the senator had not judged was the response she received from other participants. Chants of "Death to slaves of Pakistan" and "Death to slaves of Iran" suddenly filled the hall, prompting even Karzai to laugh, something he has not done publically for years. He finally intervened, urging calm, and called on the jirga participants to not accuse those who opposed the BSA of being spies for neighboring countries.

Read more ....

My Comment: My impression of Afghan President Karzai has not changed over the years .... he is laughing at us while making sure that he and his friends get rich on our dime.

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