Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mass Rape Now Endemic In Syria

Thirty Seven Thousand Women Were Raped In The Suburbs Of Damascus Only - Bianca Madia -- Voice of Russia

The number of victims during the war in Syria has exceeded 100 thousand people; the number of refugees has exceeded two million people. Statistics usually bypass the number of victims among women. But crimes against women are an essential part of the tragic statistics of this war, participant of the women's movement in Syria Bianca Madia said in an interview with the Voice of Russia.

The number of rapes committed during the last three years is simply enormous. The Human Rights Watch organization (HRW) recently published a report on the living conditions of Syrian women. But there is not one iota of truth in this document; it looks like it was created only to accuse the authorities. There's not a word about the crimes of the militants. I can say with full responsibility that the Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants use to burst into small villages, kidnap women and rape them. After this they are usually killed or left in sexual slavery. If a woman survives, she needs professional medical help, otherwise she will remain crippled - mentally and sometimes physically.

Read more ....

My Comment: I have seen some of these videos .... they are still on YouTube and they are horrific. And while it is hard to verify if these sex crime statistics are true there is one thing that I do know .... considering the hell that Syria has been going through (and is still going through), when it comes to war crimes in Syria nothing now surprises me.

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