Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Venezuela Hit By Massive Power Blackout

Power Outage Plunges Most Of Venezuela In Darkness -- Reuters

Venezuela's second massive power outage of the year plunged much of the nation into darkness on Monday night, prompting renewed talk of sabotage from President Nicolas Maduro's government and cries of incompetence from its foes.

Power went off in Caracas and other cities around the country soon after 8 p.m. local time (0030 GMT), to the intense annoyance of residents and commuters.

"I feel so frustrated, angry and impotent," said sales adviser Aneudys Acosta, 29, trudging through the rain along a street in the capital after having to leave the disrupted underground transport system.

"I live far away and here I am stuck under the rain. Something's going wrong that they're not sorting out. The government needs a Plan B. This is just not normal."

Monday's outage appeared similar to a massive September 5 blackout that was one of the worst in the South American OPEC member's history.

Read more ....

Update: Huge power cut blacks out much of Venezuela -- BBC

My Comment: The decline of Venezuela has been extensively documented in this blog over the years .... so these power disruptions are nothing new. But what I find is funny is that there are still some who are in denial of what is happening .... Is Venezuela in crisis? Bleak media reports about the country's polity and economy are exaggerated. -- Al Jazeera

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