Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Violence In Central African Republic Continues

UN Sends More Emergency Teams to CAR -- Voice of America

The U.N. refugee agency has deployed additional emergency teams to the Central African Republic, where violence in the capital, Bangui, has forced more than 200,000 people to flee from their homes over the past two weeks.

UNHCR's Adrian Edwards said the agency is in the process of sending additional protection teams in view of the deteriorating situation and reports of new mass displacements. Edwards did not specify the number of newly deployed personnel, but said staff have begun arriving this week and that more are on their way.

French and African intervention forces have been trying to quell unrest in the country after it descended into chaos in March when mostly Muslim rebels, known as Seleka, overthrew president Francois Bozize.

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More News On The Violence In Central African Republic

UN Says Humanitarian Crisis is Spiraling in CAR -- Voice of America
UN says 210,000 displaced in CAR violence -- Al Jazeera
Central African Republic Violence Displaces 210,000 in Capital -- Bloomberg Businessweek
UN says 210,000 displaced in Central African Republic's capital amid violence -- FOX News/AP
A humanitarian catastrophe unfolds in the Central African Republic -- MSNBC
French try to push out militias in Central African Republic -- FOX News/AP
Central African Republic Leader in Talks with Militias -- Voice of America
Central African Republic president may negotiate -- Washington Post/AP
C. African president, PM to hold talks amid tensions -- AFP
Central African Republic: Fabius Announces European Troops to Be Sent to Car - but Where From? --
France Says More European Countries Will Send Troops to Central African Republic -- Time
France says EU countries to send troops to C. African Republic -- Reuters
Other European countries to help in CAR, says France -- France 24
Germany reacts coolly to French request on Central Africa -- Reuters

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