Friday, January 3, 2014

International Investors Flock To Tehran

On Nov. 24, 2013, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- plus Germany and Iran -- signed a landmark deal in Geneva aimed at turning around the situation within the next six months, though. According to this agreement, Iran would roll back certain elements of its nuclear program and, in exchange, the West would ease economic sanctions like those that have contributed to high prices on goods like this vehicle in a Tehran showroom. Kiana Hayeri / DER SPIEGEL

'Chance Of A Century': International Investors Flock To Tehran -- Susanne Koelbl, Spiegel Online

Since the West reached a landmark deal with Iran on its controversial nuclear program late last year, many Iranians are hoping for an end to sanctions. Western companies are also gearing up do big business.

Daniel Bernbeck has learned that in Tehran there's no point getting worked up about things like the gridlock between Gholhak, his neighborhood in the northern part of the city, and downtown, where his office is located. Here he is again, stuck in traffic, with everyone honking their horns. Tehran is a murderous city, says Bernbeck, even without international sanctions and threats of attack from Israel.

Bernbeck is sitting in a gray SUV. He's a wiry, tall blond man who wears lawyer-like glasses. The only departure from the standard business look is a narrow soul patch on his chin, which suggests a certain degree of individualism. His cell phone rings. Bernbeck's Iranian secretary is on the line. She's expecting him, and the deputy German ambassador has also arrived, along with two investment bankers from London and Hong Kong. They are asking about stock tips for Iran.

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My Comment: With this rush to do business with Iran .... re-imposing sanctions will be next to impossible .... talk about the Iranians positioning themselves in the best way possible.

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