Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Philippines Military Offensive Kills 37 Rebels Opposed To Mindanao Peace Deal

Philippines Military Offensive 'Kills 37 Rebels' -- BBC

At least 37 Philippine rebels have been killed in a two-day offensive in the south, the military says.

President Benigno Aquino said the offensive would protect villages from rebels in Maguindanao province.

The insurgents involved in fighting oppose a recent peace accord between the government and the larger Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Under the new deal, MILF rebels will hand over their weapons in exchange for self-rule in parts of the south.

But insurgents belonging to the breakaway rebel Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) say MILF compromised too much in the truce.

The group, which comprises a few hundred militants, say they will continue their uprising because the deal did not lead to a separate homeland for minority Muslims in the south.

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More News On The Philippine Military Offensive Against Rebels Opposed To Mindanao Peace Deal

Dozens of Rebels Killed After Philippine Peace Deal Is Struck -- New York Times
Philippines says 37 rebels killed in offensive -- AP
Philippines Military Offensive Kills 37 Rebels -- Voice of America
Philippine Military Kills 37 Islamist Rebels Opposed To Mindanao Peace Deal -- Time
Philippines says 37 opposition fighters killed in offensive -- Al Jazeera
Death toll in S. Philippine clashes climbs to 41 -- Xinhuanet
Aquino vows to crush ‘spoiler’ rebels -- Gulf News/AFP
Maguindanao fighting rages; 38 killed --
37 Moro renegades, soldier killed in Mindanao fighting -- ABS-CBN
Philippine rebels: A challenge to peace? -- Al Jazeera

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