Sunday, January 12, 2014

Russia Moving Fast To Undermine U.S. Sanctions On Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rohani (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin at a recent meeting in Bishkek. RFERL

Putin's Oil Slick -- Keith Johnson, Foreign Policy

A possible energy deal between Russia and Iran could torpedo U.S. nuclear talks with Iran

Russia has apparently barged into America's nuclear negotiations with Iran, and is threatening to undermine the U.S.-led sanctions effort by working on a new oil deal with Tehran.

While any such deal could offer some short-term financial succor to Iran, and score a geopolitical victory for Russia, it would create a whole host of headaches elsewhere.

A potential energy pact between Moscow and Tehran promises to complicate the Obama administration's efforts to forestall fresh Iran sanctions coming out of Congress. If the deal comes to pass, and is allowed to stand, it could also undermine the existing sanctions regime on Iran. But the oil deal also raises questions about Russia's long-term strategy in the region.

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My Comment: The West has just lost their "sanctions leverage" over Iran. The Russians and Iranians are also forming a common front on the upcoming Syria peace talks.

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