Saturday, January 4, 2014

Syrian Rebels Are Now Battling Against Al Qaeda Near Aleppo

Fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq in Syria parade in Tel Abyad. Syrian rebels' uneasy co-existence with the hardline Isis has turned to outright hostility. Photograph: Reuters

Syrian Opposition Turns On al-Qaida-Affiliated Isis Jihadists Near Aleppo -- The Guardian

Syrian rebel alliance surrounds forces of hardline Islamic State of Iraq in Syria as fighting against same group continues in Iraq

The most serious clashes yet between the Syrian opposition and a prominent al-Qaida group erupted in the north of the country on Friday as a tribal revolt against the same organisation continued to rage in Iraq's Anbar province.

Opposition groups near Aleppo attacked militants from the Islamic State of Iraq in Syria (Isis) in two areas, al-Atareb and Andana, which are both strongholds of the fundamentalist Sunni organisation.

Battles also erupted in the Salahedin district of Aleppo itself, where both groups had reluctantly co-existed during recent months as Isis had imposed its hardline influence on parts of the city. Several hundred miles east, Isis remains in control of parts of the Iraqi cities of Fallujah and Ramadi, having raided mosques, sacked police stations and freed prisoners in moves reminiscent of the darkest days of Iraq's insurgency, in which much of Anbar had been lost to al-Qaida.

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More News On Syrian Rebels Now Battling Against Al Qaeda Forces Near Aleppo

Syria rebels take on jihadists in fierce fighting -- AFP
Islamists in Syria Join Secular Rebels in Fighting al Qaeda Group -- Wall Street Journal
Clashes Between Syrian Rebels and Qaeda Fighters -- New York Times
Rival rebel factions clash in Syria -- Al Jazeera
Syria rebels fight back against ISIS -- Daily Star
Syrian Rebels Are Turning on the Jihadists That Used to Help Them -- The Wire
Syria rebels clash with jihadists in Aleppo -- Middle East Online

1 comment:

James said...

Well they're getting more organized, note the matching head gear.