Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Edward Snowden NSA Leaks Can Be Divided Into Three General Categories

Edward Snowden (Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras/Guardian)

The Three Types Of NSA Snooping That Edward Snowden Revealed -- Max Fisher, Washington Post

The cybersecurity scholar Peter Singer has articulated an interesting new way to think about Edward Snowden's leaks revealing NSA snooping practices. Singer, in a Twitter chat earlier today, divided the leaks into three general categories:

The reason this parsing of Snowden's leaks feels important to me is that it helps explain why he can be so polarizing -- why so many Americans see him as either a hero or a villain but rarely as something in between.

These aren't just three categories of leaks; they're three different ways to think about Snowden. People who care a lot about U.S. foreign policy are going to give more weight to Singer's first category: leaks revealing espionage against U.S. adversaries and rival. They're going to be more likely to view Snowden through that lens and to judge him harshly for, as they see it, carelessly and needlessly setting back the United States. The constituency of people who follow U.S. foreign policy closely is relatively small, but it also tends to be deeply passionate -- not to mention disproportionately represented in Washington, D.C.

Read more ....

My Comment: These are just three types of surveillance .... I expect more leaks in the new year.

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