Saturday, January 4, 2014

The F-35's Real Cost Is Double Than What Is Being Told

Air Force photo

The Pentagon’s New Jet Fighter Costs Twice as Much as You’re Being Told -- David Axe, War is Boring

Don’t believe claims that the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will cost $60 million a pop—or even $85 million

The massive government and industry lobbying and PR efforts behind the troubled F-35 Joint Strike Fighter are starting to pay off for JSF-maker Lockheed Martin and the military users of the radar-evading jet.

In recent weeks several news outlets have repeated the pro-JSF camp’s assertion that the F-35—planned to be the main warplane for the Air Force and Marines and half the Navy’s future fighter fleet—will soon cost just $85 million a copy or less in near-future dollars, thanks to an increasingly efficient production line.

The “good news” helps bolster the $400-billion weapons program, the most expensive ever.

Read more ....

Update: How much the F-35 Really Cost? -- Defense Update

My Comment: If this is true .... this is a nightmare scenario.

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