The first steps towards a cyborg future previously only imagined in films such as RoboCop (pictured) are being made in labs around the world
Real-Life Robot Wars! Meet The Invincible Cyborg Soldiers That Can Fly, Run And Even Drive - And Are Ready To Fight Our Battles NOW -- Daily Mail
* The droid future imagined in new film RoboCop is already taking shape
* 'Throwbots' are small drones that can be propelled into skirmishes
* Google's Schaft - which won the recent Robo-Olympics - can climb ladders
* Alpha Dog can walk for 20 miles without a break and carry up to 400lbs
They range from small drones such as 'Throwbots' that can be deployed in skirmishes to giant, hulking droids that can carry supplies onto the battlefield.
Around the world, the first steps towards a cyborg future, once the preserve of all-action science fiction films such as RoboCop, released on February 12, are being made.
Some 'bots, drones among them, are already a reality which means the day when our streets are patrolled by real-life RoboCops could come sooner than you might think.
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My Comment: I can only imagine what the "robot landscape" will look like 20, 30 or 50 years from now.
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