Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Sunni Revolt In Iraq Raises The Specter Of Civil War

In Iraq, A Sunni Revolt Raises Specter Of New War -- Washington Post

BEIRUT — An eruption of violence in Iraq is threatening to undo much of what U.S. troops appeared to have accomplished before they withdrew, putting the country’s stability on the line and raising the specter of a new civil war in a region already buckling under the strain of the conflict in Syria.

In the western Iraqi province of Anbar, Sunnis are in open revolt against the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Militants affiliated with al-Qaeda have taken advantage of the turmoil to raise their flag over areas from which they had been driven out by American troops, including the powerfully symbolic city of Fallujah, where U.S. forces fought their bloodiest battle since the Vietnam War.

The Iraqi army, trained and equipped at great expense by the U.S. military before it pulled out of the country in 2011, is struggling to hold its own against what is at once a populist revolt and a militant insurgency.

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My Comment: From my vantage point the civil war has already arrived, and the Iraqi military/government actions in the next few weeks will only escalate this conflict.

1 comment:

Intelligence.Architecture.Infrastructure said...

The time has come for the West to be seriously worried and concerned that the White-Circumcised-Sunnis whom they so ardently support at the highest levels with all possible means, measures, mechanics, defense and security are becoming a very serious liability and threat to the very foundadtion of the West - no less than they are a fatal threat to the region and other Abrahamic religious factions.

The world's largest and most formidable terrorism and rebellion, jihadis and freedom fighters, insurgents and resistance are funded by Sunni States which enjoy elaborate economic, political, militaristic and architectural infrastructure from the Jewish and Christian Western Civilization.

The claim and narrative that Sunni Insurgency or Al-Qaeda Terrorism is distinct and separate from Judeo-Christian Western Civilization is corroding, eroding, charred and cooked into sheesh-kebab by the hour.

The Time for Punctuated Equilibrium has Arrived.