Thursday, January 30, 2014

Top U.S. Intelligence Official Confirms That North Korea Has Rebooted Their Nuclear Weapons Program

U.S. Intel Chief Confirms Growing North Korean Reactor Relaunch -- National Journal

North Korea appears to have restarted a Soviet-era plutonium production reactor, the top U.S. intelligence official told lawmakers on Wednesday.

Findings also suggest that the isolated state is "expanding the size" of a nearby uranium-enrichment centrifuge plant, National Intelligence Director James Clapper told the Senate intelligence committee in a yearly threat assessment. The apparent moves appeared to fall in line with North Korea's stated intention to expand operations for generating nuclear-bomb fuel, and with independent reports of new activities at its Yongbyon nuclear complex over the last year.

"We have long assessed that, in Pyongyang's view, its nuclear capabilities are intended for deterrence, international prestige and coercive diplomacy," Clapper stated in prepared comments. "We do not know Pyongyang's nuclear doctrine or employment concepts."

Read more ....

Update: North Korea has rebooted its nuclear program, U.S. confirms -- CBS/AP

My Comment: This is North Korea's way of increasing tensions .... as well as building up it's nuclear stockpile.

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