Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Political Pressure Builds To Keep Some U.S. Soldiers In Afghanistan

U.S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, addresses questions from service members on Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Feb. 26, 2014. Dempsey traveled to Afghanistan to talk with troops and commanders to assess the mission's status. DOD photo by D. Myles Cullen

Senators Press To Keep Some US Troops In Afghanistan -- Voice of America

CAPITOL HILL — American lawmakers reacted sharply Wednesday to President Barack Obama’s directive to the U.S. military to prepare for the withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan if no long-term security agreement is finalized with Kabul.

Many legislators would like to see a residual force remain in Afghanistan, for training and other puposes, but some concede that may not be possible.

Obama took action Tuesday to back up what his administration has been saying for months: absent a bilateral security agreement, or BSA, between the U.S. and Afghanistan, all American troops will depart the country by the end of this year.

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My Comment: I can understand why .... from a U.S. military/intelligence perspective .... on the wisdom of keeping some US military/intelligence forces in Afghanistan. But this wisdom must be tempered with the acceptance that Afghanistan is now an Afghan problem, and if their elected President is not interested in accommodating U.S./NATO requests on security guarantees .... we must accept this position and leave. My prediction .... Afghan President Karzai will not sign this security agreement .... but the man who will replace  him after this spring's election will.

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