Tuesday, February 11, 2014

U.S. Report: China Will Use EMP Weapons Against The US

In Any Cross-Strait War China Will Use EMP Weapons Against US: Report -- Want China Times

China is likely to mobilize electromagnetic pulse weapons against the United States in any potential war over the Taiwan strait, according to a report prepared by F. Michael Maloof, a retired US defense department official for the WorldNetDaily, a conservative news website based in Washington.

Given the possibility that the United States Navy will deploy its aircraft carrier to the Western Pacific in the event of China entering into a territorial conflict with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines over the East and South China Sea or launching any potential military action against Taiwan, Maloof indicated that the People's Liberation Army is looking to use the electromagnetic pulse weapons as part of a "one-two punch" to knock out the defensive electronics aboard the US vessels.

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My Comment: If China explodes a nuclear device to generate an EMP pulse .... the assumption in Asia/U.S./and else where is that China is about to use the rest of it's nuclear arsenal. In such a scenario .... U.S. nuclear command will be only one step from launching it's own retaliatory strike against the Chinese mainland.

1 comment:

Buick93 said...

Even though this story is preposterous, thank you for making that comment.
We abandoned Prompt Global Strike because we thought China or Russia might construe a missile launch as a nuclear strike. Does anyone think that we would allow China to use a nuclear warhead, even in an EMP attack?
Plus, even though the phenomenon of EMP is somewhat understood, it still takes a great deal of effort to generate one. It took us several tests in the 60's before we generated a decent sized one, and that was when atmospheric testing was allowed.
The effect is too varied to be reliable in combat, especially if you don't want to escalate.

If someone were to generate an EMP attack using nuclear weapons, the EMP would be the LEAST of our worries.