Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Will The Syrian Civil War Last 15 Years?

A man walks past damaged buildings and debris in Duma, Damascus January 5, 2014. Photo by Reuters

Analysis: Combat Fatigue May Finally Spell The End Of Syrian Civil War -- Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post

Syrian civil war may very turn out to be mirror-image of the 15-year civil war in Lebanon between 1975 and 1990.

The Geneva 2 peace talks between the Assad regime and a non-Islamist rebel group collapsed on Saturday.

For the losers of President Bashar Assad’s blood-drenched war – the Syrian people – the result was largely predictable.

“Geneva 1 will turn into Geneva 20.There is no hope in Geneva. Every time there are no results,” Rana, a female Syrian teacher living in a hotel on the outskirts of Sofia, told The Jerusalem Post last week. Flopped peace talks suggest the war is moving toward a deeply protracted phase that might push the conflict into a double- digit phase of longevity.

Read more ....

My Comment: As long as Iran/Hezbollah/Russia continue to support Assad, and the rebels only receive minimal support from their Arab allies .... this war is at a stalemate. And like the Lebanese civil war that lasted for almost 15 years, I can easily see the same fate for Syria.

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