Thursday, March 27, 2014

Amnesty International: 15% Global Rise In Executions

Report: Executions Rise In 2013, China Tops The List -- CNN

(CNN) -- Virtual "killing sprees" in Iran and Iraq led to a spike in the number of executions globally last year, according to Amnesty International, at odds with a steady decline in the use of the death penalty around the world over the last two decades.

Executions by beheading, electrocution, firing squad, hanging and lethal injection rose by almost 15 percent in 2013 on the previous year, the organization said in its latest report on the death penalty released Thursday.

China executed more people than any other country last year. Although Chinese authorities treat official execution statistics as a state secret, Amnesty International estimates thousands are killed under the death penalty every year, more than the rest of the world combined.

Excluding China, executions rose to at least 778 last year, up from 682 in 2012.

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More News On Amnesty International's Report That There Was A 15% Global Rise In Executions In 2013

Death penalty statistics 2013: country by country -- The Guardian
Global Executions Rise With Help From Iran and Iraq -- Time
Iran and Iraq drive 15% global rise in executions -- France 24/AFP
More executions in 2013; U.S. among world's top five: report -- AP
Iran, Iraq Drive Spike in Executions Worldwide -- Voice of America
'Killing sprees' in Iraq and Iran see a 15% increase in the annual number of executions carried out around the globe -- Daily Mail
China, world's top executioner, defends death penalty -- Global Post/AFP
Iraq and Iran trigger global spike in executions -- BBC
The ten most brutal places in the world: Amnesty International report sees spike in global executions -- The Independent
Amnesty reveals global surge in executions -- Al Jazeera
Amnesty: Iraq, Iran executions drive increase in global executions -- Deutsche Welle
Global execution rate jumps by nearly 15% in 2013 -- RT
Amnesty International reports nearly 15% spike in executions in 2013 -- CBC

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