Saturday, March 1, 2014

Breaking News: Pro-Russian Demonstrations And Riots Are Breaking Out In South And Eastern Ukraine

Armed servicemen wait near Russian army vehicles outside a Ukrainian border guard post in the Crimean town of Balaclava March 1, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Baz Ratner

WNU Editor: The AP is now reporting that pro-Russian demonstrations have broken out in major cities in eastern and southern Ukraine. I can confirm this from my relatives who live in Donetsk and in Kharkiv (Kharkiv is worrisome .... the Russian and Ukrainian population is evenly split).

Sabra Ayres's analysis (yesterday) for the Christian Science Monitor .... Is it too late for Kiev to woo Russian-speaking Ukraine? .... is spot on in pointing out that the new government in Kiev has lost support in the Russian speaking community in the south and eastern parts of the country.

The below video shows the Russian flag replacing Ukrainian flag in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk.

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