Putin's Move Could Be Costly To U.S., Middle East -- Aaron David Miller, CNN
(CNN) -- Ukrainian sovereignty won't be the only casualty of Russian President Vladimir Putin's efforts to assert Russian influence and interest in Crimea.
It's still far too early to calibrate how this crisis will play out and what its consequences will be -- but it's a fair bet that whether it ends in a Putin victory, defeat, or draw, it's going to make a difficult situation in the Middle East even more complicated.
Whether Putin wins or loses in Ukraine, the odds that Russia could be a reliable partner for the U.S. have decreased dramatically. And this only reinforces the painfully obvious: When it comes to the core issues facing the U.S. in the Middle East, the U.S. must focus on outcomes, not solutions, and be very sober about what it might do to contribute to them.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Ukraine Crisis -- March 4, 2014
Press review: Crimea as seen in Russia and Ukraine -- BBC
Ukraine crisis: What's happening? Depends on whom you ask -- Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN
Putin’s takeover of Crimea is part of a larger strategy -- Stephen J. Hadley and Damon Wilson, Washington Post
Putin Can't Stop -- David Brooks, New York Times
Invasion of Ukraine Isn't Putin's Only Option -- AP
Ukraine crisis: Does Russia have a case? -- BBC
Putin Unlikely to Be Fazed by Economic Threats -- Kiran Moodley, NBC
Why Putin Isn't Worried About Sanctions -- Marina Koren, National Journal
Remember Vladimir Putin’s New York Times op-ed? Let’s revisit it -- Adam Taylor, Washington Post
The Group of 8 Minus One? -- New York Times
Putin Doesn't Know What He Wants in Ukraine -- Tikhon Dzyadko, New Republic
Misreading Putin, and history -- George Will, Washington Post
Smashing Lenin Won’t Save Ukraine -- Justinian A. Jampol, New York Times
A path to end Russia-Ukraine crisis -- Christian Science Monitor editorial
How to Counter Putin's Expansionist Designs on Eastern Europe -- A. Wess Mitchell, Real Clear World
Putin's Crimean Crime -- Roger Cohen, New York Times
Is Europe's gas supply threatened by the Ukraine crisis? -- John Henley, The Guardian
Putin's Ukrainian endgame and why the West may have a hard time stopping him -- Angela Stent, CNN
The West must assuage the fears of former Soviet republics -- Editorial Board, Washington Post editorial
Ukraine and the Failure of Strategic Ambiguity -- Nikolas K. Gvosdev, National Journal
Putin Is a Threat to the Free World America Helped Build -- Will Marshall, Real Clear World
Crisis in Ukraine: What role for Congress in shaping US response? -- Francine Kiefer, Christian Science Monitor
No, American Weakness Didn't Encourage Putin to Invade Ukraine -- Peter Beinart, The Atlantic
Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin -- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post
Ex-Defense Secretary Rumsfeld on Ukraine: 'It is US weakness that has shaken the world' -- FOX News
In the Ukraine crisis, the U.S. has a credibility problem -- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post
The Insiders: Beijing thrives from the sidelines of Ukrainian turmoil -- Carter Eskew, Washington Post
Who exactly is governing Ukraine? -- Harriet Salem, The Guardian
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Ukraine Crisis -- March 3, 2014
Ukraine is Putin’s great test -- John Lloyd, Reuters
On The Scene: VOA's Elizabeth Arrott in Simferopol, Crimea -- Voice of America
Russia's Aggression -- New York Times editorial
Cold war over Ukraine? -- Alexander Nekrassov, Al Jazeera
Russia's shifting role in Ukraine crisis -- Olga Onuch & Nadiya Kravets, Al Jazeera
Putin’s error in Ukraine is the kind that leads to catastrophe -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Ukraine Conflict: Putin Strengthens His True Enemies -- Benjamin Bidder, Spiegel Online
Ukraine must focus on where its assets are stationed, experts say -- Oksana Grytsenko in Kiev and Mark Rice-Oxley, The Guardian
Crimea: Putin's mission accomplished -- PJ Crowley, BBC
Analysis: Kerry heads to Kiev with policy to counter Putin still evolving -- James Rosen, FOX News
Crisis in Ukraine: United States preparing hard line on Russian occupation -- Lara Jakes, AP
Did Russia’s cold warrior read Obama perfectly? -- FOX News
Ukraine showdown: What are the U.S. options? -- CBS
Ukraine must exercise restraint in the face of Russian aggression -- William B. Taylor, Steven K. Pifer and John E. Herbst, Washington Post
How Moscow Orchestrated Events in Crimea -- Paul Sonne and Alan Cullison, WSJ
Putin Takes Economic Gamble With Ukraine Intervention -- Lukas I. Alpert, WSJ
Putin Crimea Grab Shows Trail of Warning Signs West Ignored -- Brad Cook, SFGate/Bloomberg
As Russia rolls into Ukraine, are Europe's hands tied? -- Sara Miller Llana, Christian Science Monitor
Comparing the Crimea conflict with the Georgia-Russia situation of 2008 -- Will Englund, Washington Post
Crisis in Ukraine: As Russia surges, is US still a 'superpower'? -- Brad Knickerbocker, Christian Science Monitor
Putin’s Gamble: Crimea Land Grab Will Be Met With Western Inaction -- Joshua Yaffa, Bloomberg Businessweek
The U.S. makes crises in Ukraine and Syria worse by not planning for them -- Michael Singh, Washington Post
Many Ukrainians Want Russia to Invade -- Simon Shuster, Time
Vladimir Putin sees small protests, mass support for troops in Ukraine -- Fred Weir, Christian Science Monitor
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Ukraine Crisis -- March 2, 2014
Ukraine Crisis: What Next For Both Sides? -- BBC
Putin's War in Crimea Could Soon Spread to Eastern Ukraine -- Julia Ioffe, New Reublic
ANALYSIS-Ukraine crisis gives NATO, West no good options -- Reuters
What is the Crimea, and why does it matter? -- The Telegraph
Moscow's Ukraine gamble -- Jonathan Marcus, BBC
How to understand Putin's Ukraine strategy -- Leon Aron, Special to CNN
The crisis in Crimea could lead the world into a second cold war -- Dimitri Trenin, The Guardian
Putin is shaping events in Ukraine. It's time the west caught up -- Guardian editorial
Ukraine: what will happen now? -- Ian Traynor, The Guardian
Putin Threat to Ukraine Seen Leaving West With Few Good Options -- Leon Mangasarian, Bloomberg
Crimea Crisis Exposes Western Naivety in Eastern Europe -- Greg Sheridan, Real Clear world/The Australian
Vladimir Putin Thinks He’s Winning -- Miriam Elder, Buzz Feed
Putin takes on West over Ukraine: who blinks first? -- Elizabeth Piper, Reuters
Red Lines In Crimea -- Walter Russel mead, American Interest
Or else what? Obama's latest idle threat -- New York Daily News
Don’t expect Ukraine to end up divided -- Mathew Pauly, Toronto Star
Why is Russia moving so fast? -- John Lough, Special to CNN
At heart of Ukraine drama, a tale of two countries -- Tim Sullivan and Dusan Stojanovic, AP
Putin's move could be costly to U.S., Middle East -- Aaron Miller, CNN
Putin's attempt to recreate the Soviet empire threatens not only Ukraine but the peace of Europe -- Edward Lucas, daily Mail
Russia is sick of being humiliated and pushed around by ignorant outsiders -- Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail
After Initial Triumph, Ukraine’s Leaders Face Battle for Credibility -- Steven Erlanger, New York Times
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