The armoured vehicle storms through the gates while troops smash through the walls in other parts of the compound
Russian Troops Open Fire On Ukraine Troops After They Refuse To Vacate Crimea Base On Orders Of Defiant Commander -- Daily Mail
* Russian troops surrounded Belbeck Airbase and announced ultimatum
* Have reportedly stormed the base and explosions have been heard
* At least one Ukrainian soldier is alleged to have been shot
* Colonel Yuli Mamchur was earlier seen talking to opposing officials
* Was taken away for questioning after the base was taken over
* It is the last base held by Ukrainian troops in the region as tensions rise
* Soldiers in the base armed themselves with sticks and metal pipes
Russian soldiers have stormed through the walls of an airforce base in Crimea after a Ukrainian commander ignored demands to leave ordered his troops to 'stand their ground'.
At least one Ukrainian soldier is reported to have been shot and explosions have been heard at the Belbek base near Sevastapol after a tank broke through the gates.
Ukrainian forces had backed a lorry against the gate to stop an advancement, but pro-Russian forces managed to break through.
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More News On Russian Armoured Vehicles Storming Into A Ukrainian Military Base In Crimea
Shots fired as Russian troops force their way into Ukrainian base in Crimea -- Reuters
Armoured vehicles break into Ukraine base in Crimea, shots fired -- AFP
Pro-Russian Forces Storm Ukrainian Base In Crimea -- NPR/AP
Russian troops storm Ukrainian bases in Crimea -- BBC
Russian Troops Enter Belbek Air Base -- Voice of America
Ukraine crisis: 'Explosions and gunfire' heard at Belbek airbase in Crimea -- The Independent
Russian forces storm Ukrainian air base in Crimea -- Washington Post
Russians Enter Ukrainian Airbase in Crimea, Seize Commander -- NBC
Shots fired at Ukrainian base in Crimea -- FOX News
Russian troops enter Crimea airbase -- Al Jazeera
Shots fired as troops enter Ukrainian base Belbek in Crimea -- Deutsche Welle
Pro-Russian crowd attacks Ukrainian military base in Crimea -- The Telegraph
Russian armoured vehicles ram their way into Ukrainian military base in Crimea -- The Telegraph
You've probably read this already. If not, it's a pretty good take on western perception.
Is there problems with the commenting mechanism?
I am very familiar with PJ media .... it is a daily read for me. I also know/knew Charles Johnson (Pajamas Media co-founder) who convinced me (at the beginning) to be a contributor to them on eastern European/Afghanistan .... which I happily did until I could no longer do so because of work constraints.
As to the article by David Goldman I would say the following (I heard it last week but I do not remember the source) .... Putin plays chess, Obama plays Golf.
The Comments section is working. I moderate it because I was flooded with spam crap two months ago. It is just that on weekends I am doing other things .... so I am not always in front of the computer.
" Putin plays chess, Obama plays Golf." Putin just yelled 'Fore'!
LOL James.
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