Friday, March 14, 2014

The Pentagon Wants Underwater Drones

Image from Darpa

Pentagon Boosting Its Push For Underwater Drones -- USA Today

The Pentagon is proposing dramatic increases in spending for underwater pods to store drone submarines and a variety of other seaborne drones and surveillance technology, another example of the military's shift toward the Pacific, newly released budget documents show.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is stepping up its research on several programs, including doubling its planned spending on the Hydra program, an underwater "truck" that would carry unmanned submarines and aerial drones. The DARPA budget released last week shows planned spending for Hydra would rise from $14.9 million in the current fiscal year to $29.9 million next year.

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My Comment: I guess the Pentagon believes that if drones can change how the U.S. Air Force operates .... why not the U.S. Navy.

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