Overqualified And Underpaid -- Daniel Tkatch, The European
Europe’s unemployed youth doesn’t mind a little economic insecurity. What they can’t stand is a chronic atmosphere of political hopelessness. No wonder they are fleeing the continent.
Young people appear to be the social group most affected by the lingering economic crisis of the EU. Around a quarter of them is unemployed. As expected, the situation is the most dramatic in the countries on the European periphery: In Spain 57 per cent of the population below 30 is unable to find a job, according to the most recent Eurostat figures. The worrying list also includes Greece with 58 per cent and Croatia, the Union’s newest member state, with 52 per cent.
Being young, motivated, and well-educated no longer means being on the path for financial independence today. Especially not in Spain, where many ambitious graduates are refused employment on the grounds of being overqualified. The lucky ones might find an unpaid internship or an underpaid, temporary job that scarcely matches their qualifications.
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My Comment: I live in Montreal, Canada .... and I have noticed this wave of young people fleeing Europe to stat anew here. The programmers that I contract my work to left France three years ago together to set up shop in Montreal. Another contact .... a friend who owns a tour company that promotes American school trips to Europe .... has just hired two young and incredibly smart ladies who immigrated from Spain last year. My dentist's dental assistant arrived from Greece when it imploded five years ago. The stories are many .... and increasing. And they all tell me the same thing .... they miss their country of birth .... but they see no hope of the situation improving and they do not want to reside in a country that will spend the next generation or two paying off the horrendous debts that the other generations had accumulated.
They're running out of places in the world to go to.
That is so true.
Good question - where are they going? My guess, as it applies to North America, is that they are favoring Canada over the US, since Canada, with their more conservative banking policy which largely avoided the 2008 melt-down in the US, would probably be looked upon as more secure.
I wonder if the Spanish diaspora is looking to Chile? Not a lot of places in Latin America to choose from, certainly not Argentina.
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