Thursday, March 27, 2014

U.S. Intelligence Now Believes That Russia Will Invade Eastern Ukraine

U.S. Intel Assessment: Greater Likelihood Russia Will Enter Eastern Ukraine -- CNN

A new classified intelligence assessment concludes it is more likely than previously thought that Russian forces will enter eastern Ukraine, CNN has learned.

Two administration officials described the assessment but declined to be identified due to the sensitive nature of the information.

The officials emphasized that nothing is certain, but there have been several worrying signs in the past three to four days.

“This has shifted our thinking that the likelihood of a further Russian incursion is more probable than it was previously thought to be,” one official said.

The buildup is seen to be reminiscent of Moscow’s military moves before it went into Chechnya and Georgia in both numbers of units and their capabilities.

U.S. military and intelligence officials have briefed Congress on the assessment.

Read more ....

More News On Reports That The U.S. Intelligence Community Believes That Russia Will Invade Eastern Ukraine

US intel: More indications than ever Russia could invade Ukraine -- FOX News
U.S. intel assessment: greater likelihood Russia will enter eastern Ukraine -- Baltic Course
Classified U.S. Intel Assessment: Russian Invasion of Eastern Ukraine More Likely Than Previously Thought -- The Blaze
US Intel sees greater chance of Russia entering Eastern Ukraine -- Rick Moran, American Interest

My Comment: I have been of the opinion that Russia will not go into eastern Ukraine. The Russian military resources that are necessary to have an impact are not there, and the international political costs for such an invasion will be high for Moscow to accept. If there is going to be a Russian invasion .... it will be because Ukraine has imploded and Russians are being targeted.

I know that some Ukrainian officials are saying that there are in fact 100,000 Russian troops on the border .... Ukraine says 100,000 Russian troops near border -- AFP .... a number that certainly gets my attention because it would mean that Russia is actually preparing to invade Ukraine. But the source is Andriy Parubiy (Chairman of Ukraine's national security council) .... and he has been saying the same thing since he was appointed last month .... scaring the West and fellow Ukrainians that Russia is going to invade and seize eastern Ukraine while providing no evidence to back his claim..

Update: Hmmmm .... maybe we should worry. U.S.Rep. Michael Turner (R-Ohio) has just said that there are 80,000 Russian troops on the Ukraine border.

Update #2: The above CNN video report was done a few hours ago. It is a must see.


Rhaegar said...

The 80.000 russian troops on the Ukraine border link does not go to the right article.

War News Updates Editor said...

The 80,000 number is on the sixth paragraph of the report.

Rhaegar said...

Thank you. You are doing a good job covering this chrisis.

Rhaegar said...

I get page not found when i click the link.

War News Updates Editor said...

Rhaegar. Try again. I am having no problem getting the page from FOX news.

Rhaegar said...

Perhaps somthing with the Norwegian internet. Hope it sorts itself out.

War News Updates Editor said...

Norway blocking FOX News??? Wow.

Rhaegar said...

Not blocking it just some articels i cannot acsess.