Sunday, March 2, 2014

What Will Be The Political Cost For President Obama As The Ukraine Crisis Escalate?

My Comment: While President Obama has warned that there will be a cost for Russia if they intervened in Ukraine .... which they are now doing .... no one has analyzed on what will be the "cost to President Obama" as fallout from the Ukraine crisis spreads. My prediction .... for now there will be no "cost to President Obama" as the crisis escalates .... but over time there will be consequences that will impact his Presidency and U.S. foreign policy.

To begin .... his feeble warning to President Putin to not intervene in Ukraine only embolden the Russians to act .... his lack of commitment and resoluteness on this crisis is still bothering me today. My advice to him .... take a page from President Reagan on how to react to such an eastern European crisis (at the 4 minute mark of his address).

Our eastern European allies are now in shock with what is happening .... and are looking to Washington for leadership and direction .... but are seeing nothing. There is going to be blow-back from our allies because of this .... in Europe and elsewhere. Maybe not now .... but in the months and years to come.

Syria, Iran's nuclear program, Chinese border disputes, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, North Korea, etc.  .... all of these issues that deserve to be focused on are now on the back pages of every newspaper.

In the U.S. itself .... there are tens of millions of Americans who are of eastern European descent. They do not like what is happening .... and while they are focused right now on the ongoing crisis .... I predict that when it is over many of these same individuals will be looking at the White House .... and they will be wondering where was the Commander in Chief  when he was needed the most. As a President .... this is a legacy that you do not want to be remembered for.

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