Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Civil Unrest Is Growing In China

Rioting Crowd Severely Beats 5 Chengguan For Killing Civilian -- Shanghaiist

A riot involving around 1,000 people broke out last Saturday in Cangnan county of Wenzhou city, Zhejiang province, resulting in the hospitalization of five chengguan, China's notoriously abusive and under-regulated urban enforcement officials. The alleged cause for the riots was the five's brutally killing a civilian. According to reports, the chengguan "hit the man with a hammer until he started to vomit blood, because he was trying to take pictures of their violence towards a woman, a street vendor." This man later died while being rushed to the hospital.

Read more ....

Update: Strike spreads at Chinese supplier to Adidas and Nike -- The Guardian

My Comment: This is the central government's biggest fear in China .... civil unrest coupled with labor strikes and attacks against law enforcement. They have been able to keep it under control since the Tienanmen Square massacre in 1989 .... but in some places they are now losing that authority.


Ropestuff said...

This could be a really big deal depending on how the empire reacts and how sincere the mob is. If I was I was in a position of power there I would be nervous. Lots of rock-and-a-hard-place decisions to make.

Alex said...

@Editor: Do you think civil unrest will actually increase in the future and cause problems for the gov in China?

Alex said...

@Editor: Do you think civil unrest will actually increase in the future and cause problems for the gov in China?

War News Updates Editor said...

This is Beijing's biggest fear, and unlike pre-1989, this is not young people being frustrated but the Chinese middle class who work 6 days a week and who want more.