Sunday, April 6, 2014

Despite Announcing Early This Year That Their Navy Will Approach The U.S. Coast In A Show Of Force, Iran's Ships Have Stayed Close To Home

Surprise Surprise, Iran Bluffed—Its Navy Never Went Near the U.S. Coast -- David Axe, War Is Boring

Tehran’s sad little flotilla stayed close to home, fought pirates, instead

In January, a senior admiral of the Iranian navy announced he was sending two warships “to the United States’ maritime borders” in order to send “a message” to Washington.

Adm. Afshin Rezayee Haddad was bluffing. Tehran did indeed dispatch a task force of two rather aged warships—only one of them meaningfully armed.

But the Iranian navy’s 29th Flotilla never went anywhere near the U.S. It barely even left Iran’s territorial waters. And instead of sending a message to Washington, the flotilla merely skirmished with African pirates before quietly returning home.

Read more ....

Previous Posts

Why The U.S. Navy Is Not Worried About Iranian Warships Off The Coast Of The U.S. (February 11)
Iran Is Escalating It's Military Threats Against The U.S. (Updated) (February 11, 2014)
Iran Announces That It Is Sending It's Naval Fleet To The U.S. Coast (February 9, 2014)
The Iranians Are Coming! The Iranians Are Coming! (September5, 2012)
Iran Threatens To Send Warships Off The American Coast (September 27, 2011)

My Comment: They are not coming.

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