Sunday, April 20, 2014

French Presdient Hollande: Has 'Information' Assad Regime Using Chemical Weapons

French President Francois Hollande and FM Laurent Fabius Photo: Reuters

France Has 'Information' Assad Regime Using Chemical Weapons -- Global Post/AFP

France has "information" but no firm proof that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime is still using chemical weapons, President Francois Hollande said Sunday.

"We have a few elements of information but I do not have the proof," Hollande said in a radio interview after he was asked about reports that Assad was currently using chemical weapons.

"What I do know is what we have seen from this regime is the horrific methods it is capable of using and the rejection of any political transition," he told the Europe 1 radio station.

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Update #1: Hollande: France has 'information' Syrian regime still using chemical weapons -- Jerusalem Post
Update #2: Hollande: Indications that Assad still using chemical weapons -- Haaretz

My Comment: Having information and having proof are two different things. On a positive note .... Syria on track to meet April deadline for chemical weapons disposal, OPCW says -- CNN

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