Sunday, April 6, 2014

Is The U.S. Administration Split On Releasing The CIA Torture Report?

Secret State Department Letter Warned: Don’t Release CIA Torture Report -- Josh Rogin, The Daily Beast

While Joe Biden publicly called for releasing the Senate report on CIA interrogation, the State Department warned that revealing foreign “black sites” could risk American lives.

In April of last year, Vice President Joe Biden called for a Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA interrogation and detention programs to be declassified. More than two months later, The Daily Beast has learned, the State Department told Congress in a classified letter that declassifying the report could endanger American lives abroad and harm relations with foreign countries.

In other words, the Obama administration has been sending mixed signals on the release of the so-called “torture report” for nearly a year. (On Friday, the White House said it would like to declassify portions of the 6,300-page document.)

On Thursday, the Senate Intelligence Committee voted 11-3 to recommend declassifying the summary and conclusion of the report on Bush-era CIA detention and interrogation programs, prepared by their Democratic staff. Their investigation set off a public battle between the CIA and the Committee’s Chairwoman, Dianne Feinstein, who has accused the CIA of spying on the Committee’s investigation. The CIA will now be involved in reviewing and redacting any portions of the report that will be made public.

Read more ....

My Comment: On such an important issue you would think that the President would become involved .... and make the final decision. Apparently .... on this case .... that is not the case at all. My guess is that he likes the politics that are involved .... and as long as he is not implicated when the CIA report is finally declassified (and certain parts redacted).... who cares.

Update: This is interesting (and more fire to the debate) .... I ran the CIA interrogation program. No matter what the Senate report says, I know it worked -- Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., Washington Post

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