Israel's Most Advanced Satellite, Ofek 10, Enters Orbit -- Haaretz
The reconnaissance satellite, launched late Wednesday, will provide images for the Israel Defense Forces and other intelligence agencies.
Israel launched its tenth satellite into space late Wednesday, the defense ministry announced. The satellite entered its orbit before dawn on Thursday.
The satellite, known as Ofek 10, is one of a group of reconnaissance satellites that gather information for military purposes.
According to the IDF's data, each satellite makes about 800 reconnaissance orbits a year for a total of 64,000 minutes annually.
The previous satellite, Ofek 9, was launched in June 2010. Ofek 10 is the seventh Israeli satellite currently in orbit.
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More News On Israel Launching It's Most Advanced Spy Satellite Into Orbit
Israel launches Ofek 10 radar-based spy satellite -- Jerusalem Post
Israel launches new advanced Ofek 10 spy satellite -- Israel Hayom
Ofek 10 Enters Orbit: "Intelligence in Any Condition" -- Israel Dfense
Ofek 10 satellite 'can gather intel on targets in interesting places' -- Jerusalem Post
Israeli launches spy satellite after US refusal to push for Iran’s weapons program's dismantlement -- Debka
Israel launches 'Ofek 10' spy satellite into orbit, Iran likely target -- AP
New Israeli spy satellite enters orbit: defence ministry -- AFP
Israel launches cutting-edge satellite to spy on MidEast adversaries -- RT
Israel Launches New Surveillance Satellite -- RIA Novsoti
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