Israel Suspends Peace Talks With Palestinians -- Al Jazeera
Talks halted in response to a new unity agreement between rival Palestinian factions.
The Israeli government has decided to halt peace talks with the Palestinians in response to a new unity agreement between rival Palestinian factions.
The decision appears to end a nine-month peace initiative by United States Secretary of State John Kerry. The negotiating period is scheduled to end next Tuesday, though the sides had been trying to agree to an extension.
Israel's Security Cabinet unanimously decided to cut off contacts after a five-hour meeting on Thursday. They announced the decision in a statement.
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More News On Israel Suspending All Peace Talks With Palestinians
Israel halts peace talks as Hamas and Fatah strike unity deal -- The Telegraph
Netanyahu: Mideast peace talks ‘essentially buried’ if Hamas-Fatah deal stands -- FOX News
Israel Halts Peace Talks as Abbas Agrees to End Feud With Hamas -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Israel suspends peace talks after Palestinian unity bid -- Reuters
Israel suspends peace talks in response to Palestinian unity deal -- RT
Israel Suspends Talks After PA Embraces Unrepentant Hamas -- The Tower
Israel suspends talks with Palestinian Authority over Fatah-Hamas unity deal -- Haaretz
Netanyahu keeps door open to future negotiations after talks suspended due to Hamas-Fatah pact -- Jerusalem Post
My Comment: So it is now official .... the peace talks are dead. But the U.S. still believes that the peace talks are alive and ongoing .... Obama Administration Insists Mideast Peace Talks Still Alive -- The Cable/Foreign Policy
What's my take .... these talks were dead on the first day that they started.
It's the "Dead Parrot" sketch by Monty Python with the US as the shop owner.
A classic Monty Python skit if you ask me.
Kerry: "the talks aren't dead yet, they're just resting. Beautiful plummage don't you think?"
@James - lol!!!
Hamas is shia, theyr not real muslims. Dont be so ignorant johanan.
I bet Salim that if a Shia was in earshot of you uttering those words they would string you up by your ears and would give you a telling who the REAL Muslims are...
However, you are incorrect again Salim.
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood who are all Sunni.
The stated Religion of Hamas is most certainly Sunni Islam.
The difficulty Hamas has is that they supported the Rebels in Syria and pissed off their patron which is Iran who are Shia (as are Hezbollah).
Iran then cut off funding and sent it to Islamic Jihad which is Hamas's rival in Gaza.
Since then Hamas has been crawling on its belly trying to suck back up to Iran to get funds and weapons flowing again all the while dealing with Egypt's blockade of Gaza via the Rafah Border crossing and the tunnel infrastructure running below.
This is because they believe Hamas is helping to hide out Muslim Brotherhood members in Gaza whilst assisting them with operations against Egypt.
In a nutshell, Hamas is in a whole world of hurt.
As for your accusation of ignorance you have fallen flat on this one..
Lol i admit it, i got mixed up between hamas and hezbollah. Hamas is sunni (they conduct suicide bombing so they are still not muslims) and hezbollah is shia.
P.s Prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) said that there will be 71 types of different "muslims" by the time day of judgement arrives.
He was asked who will be the real 'muslim'.
He replied that the one that follow him (prophet muhammed pbuh) will be right as in the real muslim.
The shias know that they have changed the rulings of real islam so they are not followers of muhammed (pbuh).
I want to contribute to co operation, so i dont want to argue with a jew, i want peace. (My name salim: means peace in arabic)
Hav a nice day.....
Shalom Salim, I don't hate you if that's what you think.
I am 100% disgusted by some of your very naive comments which you have been indoctrinated with, which you then go on to repeat as mantra.. Something along the lines of: 'Israel is a racist/apartheid/terrorist state'.
I will happily debate you all day long on those topics but be prepared because I will back each statement up with very strong verifiable and reliable sources and prove that you have sadly been mislead by people you obviously trust and that you are on the wrong side of the truth on this issue.
There is a conflict between Arab & Jew, it needs to be solved, both sides have it's own narratives but it started well before the modern state of Israel came into being, well before 1967 and it is not the root cause of all the problems of Arabs/Muslims in the world (which they like to claim), those they created themselves through keeping their people ignorant under modern dictatorships and Empires like the Ottoman.
When a Jew greets someone they say 'Shalom', it too means peace..
Wow. We say salam when we muslims greet. Means peace as well as my name.
And also your comments doesnt make my day in fact it upsets me. But thats me.
Im sorry but I will stay with what i think of israel till im dead or martyred (hopefully).
And i have a question if u dont mind.
(I know the answer) but why do u think israel is being globally boycotted and is losing billions of money cos of it.
Is it because everyone loves israel?
Salim, one step forward two steps back hey?
This desire to be martyred is not healthy, you gotta get out of this mindset, it’s your cultures worship of death against our worship of life that defines us.
That statement you wrote above sounded awfully close to the slogan of Hamas I posted above… Little bit creepy..
The zero-sum mentality that you will stay with a single thought pattern till you die is what stops anything moving forward, there is no compromise and no openness to change.
This is what is exactly going on in the peace talks right now and you display classic intransigence that has defined the talks.
But anyway I digress, you asked a question.
“(I know the answer) but why do u think israel is being globally boycotted and is losing billions of money cos of it. “
In 67 there was the three No’s in Khartoum by the Arabs and they have been boycotting Israel since, there are a number of Muslim countries that boycott Israel and there are some that do trade with Israel.
Can you define your question a bit better, who exactly is boycotting Israel that is causing them to lose billions because of it?
There are washed up celebrities boycotting Israel as well as some Academics but there not exactly costing Israel billions now are they?
Are you a boycotter Salim?
The Nazi’s started boycotting Jewish business before WW2, the Arabs in 67, as it goes we know something about boycotts.
But if you’re a boycotter as well Salim I hope you don’t use a PC with an Intel chip because that’s where their cutting edge technology comes from and g-d forbid someone you knew got Cancer because there is a lot of cutting technology in treatments that come from Israel. No benefiting from Teva Pharmaceuticals either when you get sick.
You wouldn’t want to be a hypocrite and benefit from evil Israel, you have to renounce any benefit from Israel otherwise your exactly that, just another hypocrite.
How are you any different from those who stood outside Jewish shops in Berlin with signs saying “Don’t Buy From Jews”. If history has taught us anything, it is that boycotts of Jews are ALWAYS followed by the slaughter of Jews.
As for Israel’s economy, it’s booming, thank you for asking..
Here, check it out
Here’s what some people have to say about it:
So why Tel Aviv? The city is overflowing with software developers and venture capital. Larger companies, including Google, have set up offices there. Facebook is now there, too, after acquiring facial-recognition developer in June.
“The global financial crisis of 2008-09 spurred a brief recession in Israel, but the country entered the crisis with solid fundamentals - following years of prudent fiscal policy and a resilient banking sector. The economy has recovered better than most advanced, comparably sized economies.”
Israeli economy on surprising upward swing -
In March of this year Standard & Poor said the following:
“On Friday, S&P reaffirmed its A+ rating with a "Stable" outlook for Israel. It says that Israel's fiscal consolidation is on track, economic growth is steady, and that the debt-to-GDP ratio has fallen. This is the second time that S&P has reaffirmed its credit rating for Israel since company representatives visited Israel in August 2013.”
Do you know who Noam Chomsky is?
I t is well documented Noam’s dislike of Israel, he is always at the forefront of anti-Israel writing in the media, I am certainly not his fan.
But boy does he have something to say about boycotters -
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