Saturday, April 5, 2014

Moody's Downgrades Ukraine Credit Rating To Caa3 'Default Imminent'

Moody's Downgrades Ukraine Bond Rating With Negative Outlook -- Reuters

Moody's Investors Service downgraded Ukraine's government bond rating to Caa3 from Caa2 with negative outlook, citing an escalating political crisis and stressed external liquidity position after Russia withdrew financial support.

The escalation of economic sanctions by Russia, with increases in gas price and potential trade restrictions, would further hurt Ukraine's economic outlook, Moody's said. (

Ukraine on Friday said it was in emergency talks with European Union neighbors on the possibility of importing natural gas from the West, following a leap in the price it pays for Russian supplies.

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More News On Moody's Downgrading Ukraine's Credit Rating To Caa3 'Default Imminent'

Moody's cuts Ukraine rating on rising political crisis -- Global Post/AFP
Ukraine Debt Rating Cut by Moody’s Amid Russia Dispute -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Moody's Cuts Ukraine's Government-Bond Rating by One Notch -- WSJ
Moody's downgrades Ukraine credit rating, again -- Deutsche Welle
Moody’s downgrades Ukraine to ‘default imminent’ -- RT

My Comment: From my perspective .... Ukraine has already defaulted. The key now is EU/U.S./IMF aid .... but (as predicted) it is slow in coming.

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