Saturday, April 5, 2014

No World War II Reunion For Ukraine And Russian War Veterans?

Crimea Aggression by Former Soviet Ally Stuns Ukraine's WWll Veterans -- Voice of America

KYIV, UKRAINE — Ukraine and Russia, former Soviet allies, are scheduled to jointly celebrate 70 years since the end of World War ll, but after Moscow's aggression in Crimea, some Ukrainian veterans are reluctant to take part.

The veterans of Kyiv's Golosiivskyy district never imagined Ukraine would be the target of Russian aggression. Veterans' organization council head Sergei Koropov says they are still stunned by their former ally's annexation of Crimea.

In the face of Moscow's continued military threats, plans to join Russia in marking the end of the so-called 'war against fascism' are being questioned.

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My Comment: If my father was a live today .... he would be one of these vets. Born in Ukraine from Russian parents who found himself taken out of university at the age of 19 and told to command an artillery unit (my father's major was in math .... so I guess they needed someone competent to aim the artillery) .... he endured four years of war on the Russian front. He did not fight for communism (even though he was a member of the Communist party) .... he fought for mother Russia. And while my father was incredibly pro-Russian .... if not nationalistic .... he also saw himself as Ukrainian. This is why this split among the veterans is painful to read about .... especially knowing my father's history. They all fought, suffered, and died together while fighting against an incredible evil .... and against all odds they survived.And now they find themselves at the end of their lives .... split and separated.

There are not many of these veterans alive today. Their stories are always incredible to listen to. But I have faith .... that in the end they will have their reunion, get drunk on vodka, and talk about the war like my father always did when his war buddies came by .... a memory that I will never forget.

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