Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pacific Naval Powers Agree To A Maritime Code To Prevent Future Conflicts

US guided missile cruiser (R) leads Japanese destroyers during the 'Keen Sword', a US-Japan military exercise at the Pacific Ocean (AFP Photo / Toshifumi Kitamura)

Pacific Naval Powers Sign Pact Aimed At Preventing Conflicts -- RT

As US military action increases in the western Pacific, more than 20 countries became signatories to an agreement on Tuesday that establishes guidelines for communication, while hoping to halt military maneuvers in disputed areas.

More than 20 countries from the Western Pacific region unanimously signed up to the non-binding framework, including China, Japan, the Philippines and Malaysia. The signing ceremony occurred at a meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) in the eastern Chinese coastal city of Qingdao.

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More News On Pacific Naval Powers Agreeing To A Maritime Code To Prevent Future Conflicts

Pacific accord on maritime code could help prevent conflicts -- Reuters
Pacific Navies Agree on Code of Conduct for Unplanned Encounters -- Wall Street Journal
How U.S., Asia-Pacific navies intend to avoid conflict at sea -- AP
Asia-Pacific navies sign maritime communication agreement -- Business Standard
Navy chiefs from 21 countries ban locking weapons radar in peacetime -- Global Post/Kyodo News Agency
Beijing: No Meeting Between Chinese, Japanese Naval Chiefs -- The Diplomat


Unknown said...

This most-welcome 'non-political' agreement, albeit by naval military officers, hopes to reduce chances of military confrontation in the Asia Pacific region.

However, being non-binding and with no direct enforcement power against pro-war leaders, their respective national political leaders could still initiate armed conflicts from the many territorial disputes in the region.
This lack of enforcement constitutes the main weakness of all previous war prevention attempts.

And, not surprisingly, intervention by politicians caused cancellation of the proposed peaceful naval ships parade.

Historical and current evidence confirm that politicians and their influences ALWAYS hamper all and any attempts at war prevention. Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Old Yugoslavia's disintegration, Israel/Hezbollah/Palestine, ...

All political influences ought therefore to be eliminated from any meaningful war prevention effort - if the world would ever derive permanent war prevention.

And, this can now be very easily achieved by instituting a brand new independent body (with no political attachments) for resolving all pro-war political disputes. This one simple move would spontaneously prevent all war because no one would then be opportune to initiate one from such political crises as Ukraine or Syria.

Moreover, nowadays, with widespread digital technologies usage, appropriate initial members for the proposed new body can be easily assembled from the far-flung populations of the globe; and their resolutions readily ENFORCED without need for regular armed forces.
(Details in the book titled: 'Unchecked, They'll Kill Us All: All Wars Can Be Prevented!'

Furthermore, please note that the United Nations since 1945 has consistently failed in its main objective of global war prevention. It cannot, only because of its intrinsic political attachments.)

Unknown said...

This most-welcome 'non-political' agreement, albeit by naval military officers, hopes to reduce chances of military confrontation in the Asia Pacific region.

However, being non-binding and with no direct enforcement power against pro-war leaders, their respective national political leaders could still initiate armed conflicts from the many territorial disputes in the region.
This lack of enforcement constitutes the main weakness of all previous war prevention attempts.

And, not surprisingly, intervention by politicians caused cancellation of the proposed peaceful naval ships parade.

Historical and current evidence confirm that politicians and their influences ALWAYS hamper all and any attempts at war prevention. Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Old Yugoslavia's disintegration, Israel/Hezbollah/Palestine, ...

All political influences ought therefore to be eliminated from any meaningful war prevention effort - if the world would ever derive permanent war prevention.

And, this can now be very easily achieved by instituting a brand new independent body (with no political attachments) for resolving all pro-war political disputes. This one simple move would spontaneously prevent all war because no one would then be opportune to initiate one from such political crises as Ukraine or Syria.

Moreover, nowadays, with widespread digital technologies usage, appropriate initial members for the proposed new body can be easily assembled from the far-flung populations of the globe; and their resolutions readily ENFORCED without need for regular armed forces.
(Details in the book titled: 'Unchecked, They'll Kill Us All: All Wars Can Be Prevented!'

Furthermore, please note that the United Nations since 1945 has consistently failed in its main objective of global war prevention. It cannot, only because of its intrinsic political attachments.)