Monday, April 21, 2014

Syria Has Called A Presidential Election For 3 June

Bashar al-Assad has not said whether he will stand for election but allies have predicted he will participate and win. Photograph: Sana/Reuters

Syria Sets June Election Date As Assad Claims 'Turning Point' In Conflict -- The Guardian

Opposition calls presidential poll a 'parody of democracy' and says vote will wreck efforts to negotiate peace settlement

Syria has called a presidential election for 3 June, preparing the ground for Bashar al-Assad to defy widespread opposition and extend his grip on power days after he said the war was turning in his favour.

The three-year-old rebellion against Assad's rule has killed more than 150,000 people, forced millions to flee their homes and seen the government lose control over swaths of territory. Hundreds more died on Sunday and Monday.

A leading Syrian opposition group said the election showed the president was divorced from reality.

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More News On Syria Calling A Presidential Election For 3 June

Syria announces presidential election as civil war rages on -- CNN
Syria Announces a June Presidential Election -- New York Times
Syria elections set for June 3 amid civil war -- Washington Post/AP
Syria to Hold June 3 Presidential Vote -- VOA
Syria calls presidential vote, defying Assad's opponents -- Reuters
Syria announces election in June -- The Telegraph

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