Thursday, April 24, 2014

U.S. Intelligence Chief Clapper Goes On A University Tour To Convince Students That NSA Leaker Snowden Is No Hero

Screen shot from video of DNI James Clapper’s speech

Clapper Goes On Tour To Persuade University Students Snowden Is No Whistleblower, Not a Hero -- Kevin Gosztola, Firedog Lake

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper is touring universities and colleges in the United States in an attempt to persuade students that they should not consider former NSA contractor Edward Snowden a whistleblower or a hero.

Speaking at the GEOINT conference in Tampa, Florida, on April 15, Clapper addressed attendees and told university students at Georgetown University and the University of Georgia about a recent article in The Washington Post on college admissions.

“An admissions officer from George Washington University told The Post that for the admissions’ essay question, ‘Who’s your personal hero?’ the admissions officer observed that she was seeing a lot more of Edward Snowden citations. And the idea that young people see Edward Snowden as a hero really bothers me. So I thought I needed to talk about Snowden at Georgetown and Georgia and I am going to do the same elsewhere at colleges and universities.”

Read more ....

My Comment: If given a choice .... who is the American hero? .... I will wager that most University students will pick NSA leaker Edward Snowden over Director of National Intelligence James Clapper by a wide margin.

On a side note .... Tyler Durden's commentary on this Clapper tour story at Zero Hedge is a must read .... sarcasm and all .... James Clapper Begins Propaganda Tour After Students Identify Edward Snowden As "Personal Hero" -- Zero Hedge


James said...

Regardless of my opinion of Snowden and his actions I have to laugh. All these years the Democrats railed against the "Man" and now to their uncomprehending shock they find that they are the "Man"!

Unknown said...

Go on snowden Lad! I'd elect him