Saturday, April 5, 2014

U.S. State Department’s Inspector General: $6 Billion Is Missing

$6 Billion Goes Missing at State Department -- Brianna Ehley, The Fiscal Times

The State Department has no idea what happened to $6 billion used to pay its contractors.

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

The alert was just the latest example of the federal government’s continued struggle with oversight over its outside contractors.

The lack of oversight “exposes the department to significant financial risk,” the auditor said. “It creates conditions conducive to fraud, as corrupt individuals may attempt to conceal evidence of illicit behavior by omitting key documents from the contract file. It impairs the ability of the Department to take effective and timely action to protect its interests, and, in tum, those of taxpayers.”

Read more ....

More News On The U.S. State Department’s Inspector General Reporting That $6 Billion Is Missing

State Department inspector general issues alert over $6 billion in contracting money -- Washington Post
Watchdog: State Department can’t fully account for $6B worth of contracts -- AP
State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton -- Washington Free Beacon

My Comment: I love how the media is covering this story. Only the Washington Free Beacon is reporting that much (if not all) of this money vanished during the time that Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Hmmmm .... it is amazing how it is at times like this that the mainstream media forgets her name.

Update: Quoting Hillary Clinton ..... "What difference does it make!"


James said...

Maybe it's a veiled warning to Hillary.

War News Updates Editor said...

Good point James. Who knows what is being discussed behind closed doors.