Saturday, April 5, 2014

U.S. Warns China Of Possible 'Russia-Type Sanctions' Over Territorial Dispute

A handout photo shows two Chinese surveillance ships which sailed between a Philippines warship and eight Chinese fishing boats to prevent the arrest of any fishermen in the Scarborough Shoal, a small group of rocky formations whose sovereignty is contested by the Philippines and China, in the South China Sea, about 124 nautical miles off the main island of Luzon April 10, 2012. (Reuters)

US Threatens China Over Territorial Disputes, Cites Sanctions On Russia As Example -- RT

The US gave a strong warning to China not to escalate territorial tensions in the Asia-Pacific region if it doesn’t want to face American retaliation. In his statement, a US official used sanctions on Russia over Crimea’s accession as an example.

Although it’s difficult to gauge China’s response at this point, more pressure needs to be brought to bear for them to abide by diplomatic principles for settling territorial disputes, came the advice from the US assistant secretary of state for East Asia, Daniel Russel, speaking to a meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Read more ....

Update: US threatens China with Russia-like sanctions over territorial disputes -- Voice of Russia

My Comment: I know from one of my sources and friends in China (as well as from a regular Chinese reader of this blog) that the Chinese are getting the message .... and they are not happy with the threat .... especially if Chinese officials and businessmen are sanctioned. To the Chinese elite (and only for the elite) .... the freedom to travel abroad is something that they value deeply for themselves and for their families .... curbing this will not make any of them happy.

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