Friday, April 4, 2014

Was Russia Involved In The Killing Of Ukrainian Protesters In Kiev On Febraury 20?

New Evidence: Russian Spies Backed Kiev's Killers -- Jamie Dettmer, Daily Beast

Following on a Daily Beast report, Ukrainian authorities say that Russian advisers and ex-President Yanukovych played a direct role in the slaughter of protesters on February 20.

Ukraine’s new authorities have arrested a dozen members of the country’s disbanded “Berkut” riot police. The men are suspected of participation in the February slayings of dozens of protesters in Kiev, gunned down while agitating for the ouster of then-President Viktor Yanukovych. The authorities say more arrests are to follow and they are turning their attention to other security units, including a crack Ukrainian anti-terrorist team first identified by the Daily Beast last weekend.

In a dramatic press conference by the prosecutor general and heads of the interior ministry and SBU state security, Ukraine’s new security chiefs say Yanukovych ordered the mass slayings and the snipers were under his “direct leadership”. They allege also they have uncovered evidence that Russia’s intelligence service the FSB assisted and advised Ukrainian counterparts in the bloody bid to suppress anti-government protests, leaving more than a hundred dead.

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Previous Post: Interim Ukraine Government Blames Ex-President Yanukovych For Protest Deaths

My Comment: As regular readers know .... my cousin's daughter was at the Maiden helping in preparing Molotov cocktails for the protesters on that day. She was about a block or two away .... so she was not witness to the shooting .... but she did hear multiple shots, she did see dead and wounded being moved, and she also saw many protesters carrying rifles and pistols. It was later that I also learned that a number of police officers were killed .... as well as a number of protesters. But was Russia involved in any of this? I can see them having FSB advisers/observers/spectators on the ground .... but ordering men to fire .... or firing themselves .... if true this will be incredibly damaging to future Russian - Ukraine relations, and I will need to see a lot more evidence from the prosecutor general's office before accepting what they say as fact.


James said...

" if true this will be incredibly damaging" Of course it would making it a perfect Administration topic for a press campaign.

Unknown said...

I agree.....after the way Russia spoke out and stood against Assad shooting his own people during the early protest....we clearly need more